Important Design Engineering Guidelines | Academic year 2018-19

GTU Recently Launch Design engineering guidelines for Academic year 2018-19.

Instruction for all BE colleges affiliated to GTU:

1. All students (from 3rd to 6th semester) having the subject of Design Engineering need to register themselves on the DE portal at

  • a. Students who have registered themselves in 4th semester need to move to 5th semester and they do not need to register again. But as in 5th semester, DE project type is different than 4th semester, so after moving to 5th semester, they will need to enter new project details. With new project, you may form newer team and there is no limitation on number of team members allowed, but guide needs to ensure involvement of each team member and have equal amount of work in the project. 

2. Faculty members who will guide the Design Engineering projects also need to register on the DE portal (If you already registered in previous semester, then do not register again). For taking DE subject as well as guiding DE projects, faculty member must be trained at the FDP organized by GTU.

3. Colleges also need to assign one Design Coordinator who must be trained at the FDP organized by GTU, for managing and coordinating the activities related to DE. Design Coordinator also need to register on DE portal. Design Coordinator will be the only point of contact with GTU Design Team for any query or suggestions related to DE. He/she will be responsible for the student’s progress for Design Engineering projects.

4. GTU – Centre for Industrial Design (Open Design School) has designed total five (5) level of Design Engineering FDP training and is organizing various level FDP during the semester. So it is recommended to Principal/Director/HOD to send their faculty members in various level FDPs to refine and update their learning. This would help us to create core team of Design Engineering at each zone to strengthen our initiative.

5. Since 2014, we are having mix-matched data of trained faculty members in DE as some have left or changed the institute, so this time we are updating our database of trained faculty members through portal. So it is requested to all trained faculty members to register their details on portal with uploading training certificate (Scan/photo copy) to be considered as external examiner. If you will change/leave the college, then please update/delete your information.

6. For every group of 30 students, in every branch, please see that at least one Faculty Member is trained in the FDPs at GTU. The workload of the faculty member teaching this course should include the time needed for the design engineering course along with his/her other workload.

7. Only the Faculty Members, who have participated in the FDPs in Design Engineering at GTU will be considered for appointment as external examiner of this course. The internal examiner of the subject, during the final examination, can be a Faculty Member, who has participated in an FDP in Design Engineering at GTU or at the College.

8. Design engineering teaching hours must be included in the existing time table of every college. Colleges must arrange a session of ‘continuous three hours of teaching’ for the course of design engineering. A College may adopt any of the three options or find out one’s own approach.
(i) During regular weekdays
(ii) Alternate Saturday
(iii) All Saturday 

9. All kind of guidelines, circular, latest news related to DE is and will be available on portal.

10. Study material, canvases and other formats would be also available on this portal for DE subject. We timely update the study material and formats as per the requirements and new developments, so all stakeholders are advised to visit the portal frequently for latest information and update.

11. To improve the subject in future, If anyone finds Design Thinking (DT) reference material, DT tolls & techniques, blog, case study, news etc related, please send to us on and we will update it on portal for everyone to use.

12. Colleges need to send us the reports of events, case studies, achievements in relation with DE to be uploaded on DE portal. 13. Every college need to strictly adhere to below schedule for DE related activities

Important Link To Remember :


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